Sunday, April 4, 2010

Introducing Thistledown Aran

It may seem an odd time of year to bring about the softest, coziest yarn imaginable, but here it is:

This is pure superwash merino, and it is incredible. The stitch definition is lovely, and it has such a nice roundness. Think seriously wonderful gift knitting... mitts, hats, sweaters for sweet babies. Or just get a head start for yourself.

Friday, April 2, 2010

For the Love of Yarn

Today, I had the opportunity to share my love of knitting and spinning with people in two highly unlikely places.

First was the gas station. After having lunch with my mom and daughter, we stopped to fill the tank. At the pump next to us was a former student of Mom's with his fiancee, who noticed me spinning. Mom called to me, introduced me, and we proceeded to have a nice chat. She's a knitter who wants to learn to spin, and it was convenient that I had my WIP handspun Traveling Woman shawl (as well as my Bosworth Mini with tussah silk I was working on when she saw me spinning).

Later, I was on my front porch, photographing some new yarns for the shop, when my Farm Fresh Delivery guy came up with my bin. (For the uninitiated, Farm Fresh Delivery brings organic produce, milk, meat, and other food right to my door and it is awesome.) He noticed what I was doing and commented on how much he loved my colors. I took this as a serious compliment, coming from a guy. He seemed very cool, and talked to me for a few minutes about my work.

Today was a great reminder of why I started Imbued Fibers, and why I look forward to creating new and wonderful things with fiber every day.